To produce a report identifying evidence on the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of different interventions to impact malnutrition. Community-based interventions are of particular interest. Evidence should be from Yemen, fragile or developing contexts.
This was an extensive query to tackle in 3 days. The result is an annotated bibliography covering a selection of key papers identified through a rapid search on the different nutrition interventions. Section 2 includes a number of resources on community-based management with evaluations finding it to be cost effective. Sections 3-5 are on breastfeeding, sanitation and supplement interventions. Section 6 provides information on combined interventions.
Section 7 presents resources to address the second part of this query: information on nutrition intervention activity in Yemen. It includes: summaries of a costing plan from the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement; District-level coverage monitoring reports; a national strategy and integrated response plans from the Yemen Nutrition Cluster; Government guidelines; and evaluation of NGO activity.