Development of Guidance on indicators for monitoring the impact of DFID’s nutrition strategy

The purpose of this Guidance Note is to create some consistency and comparability of monitoring among programmes which deliver, or have the potential to deliver, nutrition outcomes. The goal is to enable DFID to demonstrate that their Nutrition Strategy is achieving its stated aims.

The Strategy document sets out four ways of attacking undernutrition, which is persisting despite improvements in many other areas. There is a real danger that the MDG target for Hunger will not be met on present trends. DFID wishes to improve nutrition directly through its bilateral and emergency programmes; to increase the impact on undernutrition through programmes in other sectors (such as water and sanitation, or health); and to fill the gaps in knowledge of what does and does not work. This is an agenda shared with other agencies.

This Guidance Note is designed to be used by those developing nutrition-related programmes and those who are monitoring the status of nutrition in-country and globally.

Full Report: Development of Guidance on indicators for monitoring the impact of DFID’s nutrition strategy [PDF- 350 KB]

Appendix 1: Metadata of indicators for assessing the impact of the Nutrition Strategy [PDF- 200 KB]

Appendix 1: Matrix of nutrition indicators (core and optional) recommended for direct nutrition interventions and programmes with demonstrated effectiveness on maternal and child malnutrition [PDF- 240 KB]

Appendix 2: Selected DFID projects with nutrition-related indicators [PDF- 85 KB]

Appendix 2: Selected DFID projects with potential for nutrition-related outcomes [PDF- 15 KB]

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