Tag: agriculture
This exploratory rapid review finds that child labour in agriculture is a global issue, with the agricultural sector accounting for the majority of child labourers. Across regions and countries agriculture is usually the main sector for children’s economic activity. However, there is considerable variation in the prevalence of child labour between and within countries. Agricultural… Read more
This rapid literature review assesses the evidence on the benefits of business being allowed to operate across borders within Africa for farmers; consumers; national economies, and donors. The evidence for promoting effective trade and access of food across borders within Africa is optimistic. Data for this report was taken from available for supra-national and regional… Read more
Child undernutrition is one of the most devastating realities in many parts of the world. Globally in 2015, 159 million children below the age of five years were too short for their age (stunted) and 50 million were too thin for their height (wasted). Inadequate nutrition in early childhood can have lifelong consequences, including poor… Read more