Tag: displaced populations
An estimated 75 million children cannot go to school because they have been driven from their homes by war, crisis, and natural disaster. This deprivation in turn destabilises vulnerable regions because uneducated children grow into at-risk teenagers and young adults. To strengthen its education in emergencies (EiE) programming, the U.K. Department of International Development (DFID)… Read more
From June to November 2008, the Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children conducted an assessment of educational and skills training opportunities available to displaced youth in Darfur. This report looks at the challenges and opportunities young people face; examines existing services targeting youth; identifies programming gaps; and provides recommendations on how donors, policymakers and… Read more
The humanitarian system at large is faced with a critical financial dilemma: while the numbers of people forcibly displaced across the world continue to rise, the funds available for humanitarian aid are not keeping up with the rapidly expanding needs. By the third quarter of 2015, 33 UN appeals were only 42 per cent funded,… Read more
UNHCR has traditionally pursued three durable solutions for refugees: voluntary repatriation, local integration and third-country resettlement. Seeking and providing durable solutions for refugees is a key element of international protection and has been a core part of UNHCR’s mandate and work since its inception. The three traditional durable solutions are complementary. Implementing them in tandem benefits… Read more
More than 19.3 million people were displaced by disasters in 100 countries in 2014. Since 2008, an average of 26.4 million people have been displaced from their homes each year by disasters brought on by natural hazards – equivalent to one person displaced every second. The report presenting evidence on the scale, patterns and trends… Read more
This paper considers how international actors should frame protracted displacements and the search for ‘solutions’ to such crises. It draws on the findings of three case studies (Central America during the 1980s and 1990s and contemporary displacements in Somalia and Iraq) as well as wider research on protracted refugee situations and the politics of refugee ‘solutions’…. Read more
Internally displaced children have the same right to education as other children; this right cannot be suspended even in emergencies. Yet in reality, many internally displaced children struggle to go to school. Even when they do have access to education, they are often taught apart from local students, for example in separate schools or at… Read more
Attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria reportedly forced 1.5 million people to flee to other parts of the country and at least another 150,000 have taken refuge in neighbouring Chad, Niger and Cameroon. Government counter-insurgency operations have also contributed to insecurity and displacement, both in the north-east and in neighbouring countries. This has also impacted… Read more
Conflicts force people to leave their homes. Indeed, one of the measures of the severity of a conflict – in addition to casualties and duration – is the extent to which people have been displaced from their communities. In a recent survey by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) of eight conflict-affected countries, 56… Read more
General findings of this helpdesk report include: There is a risk that host countries may not allow refugees access to public education, particularly if the government is under pressure to deliver services to their own citizens. Restrictions on refugee employment may entrench poverty, which in turn dampens prospects for education. Armed conflict is diverting public… Read more