Tag: Higher Education
This article examines the role of higher education in the recovery of conflict-affected societies and argues that while the sector is typically a very low reconstruction priority, it has the potential, if addressed strategically, to act as a catalyst for effective and sustainable post-war recovery. The article begins by contextualising higher education within broader debates… Read more
Research focusing on the links between education, development and social change has a long history; this includes research on higher education investment in low-income countries by external and international development agencies. Analysis of the impact on society of higher education in developing countries emerged alongside post-colonial discourses and modernisation theories. Research generally focused on how… Read more
This paper analyses the contribution of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to building 21st century skills and explores the value of tutoring and mentoring models, learner retention, learning technologies, and provision of language and subject matter support that best mediate higher level learning in fragile contexts. Variables such as sustainability, operability, equal access, cultural and linguistic… Read more
The issue Higher education has seen astounding growth across the world in recent decades, and about a third of the population globally now go on to some form of post-secondary study. Yet while there are increasing participation rates in all regions there remain significant disparities, with a gross enrolment ratio of 68% in Europe, 23%… Read more
Many countries mandate affirmative action in university admissions for traditionally disadvantaged groups. Little is known about either the efficacy or costs of these programmes. This paper examines affirmative action in engineering colleges in India for “lower-caste” groups. The authors argue that such action successfully targets the financially disadvantaged: the marginal upper-caste applicant comes from a… Read more
This volume aims to create conversations about fairness and justice in access to higher education to counteract the ubiquitous mantras of neoliberal globalisation and managerialism. Adding to other voices that have begun to challenge globalisation and managerialism, the authors strive to carve out a strong moral and normative basis, squarely anchored in empirical knowledge of the great… Read more
The purpose of this paper is to present findings from the evaluation of a pilot programme, Jesuit Commons: Higher Education at the Margins (JC:HEM), which initially provided higher education to refugees in Kakuma Camp, Kenya and Dzaleka Camp, Malawi; and to urban refugees in Amman, Jordan. The authors of this note review the progress made… Read more
Today’s cost of higher education has increased dramatically. This publication explains the essential concepts in the debate regarding the staggering costs of higher education, supplying ten original essays by higher education policy experts, a lively historical narrative that provides context to current issues, and systematic guides to finding additional sources of information on the subject. Written… Read more
India has a large network of around 634 universities and 33,000 colleges with 817,000 teachers spread across the country. Despite its massive geographical reach, higher education in India has had its share of problems. This collection of essays discusses these challenges such as inclusiveness and the impact of reservation on education, the problems of mediocrity, shortage of… Read more
Education is fundamental to every aspect of development and there is widespread support across the world for policies that affirm that all children, regardless of their circumstances, have a right to quality schooling. Yet despite concerted efforts from national governments, multilateral organisations and NGOs over many decades, more efforts are needed to achieve education for… Read more
This publication provides an insight into sub-Saharan African higher education systems and sets out the ways that they are developing and changing. It explores the dilemmas inherent in a context of scarce resources with increasing and urgent demands for a more professionalised workforce and expert services. It examines the factors inhibiting development such as HIV/AIDS,… Read more